Birthday wish list

Hi guys,
Every year, I always have a list of things I would love to get for my birthday. However I never get any and I have come to the conclusion that it's coz people don't know what I want (chai see denial ). So this year I am going to shove it down your throats.
P.S my birthday isn't even until November but am just giving y'all enough time.
Fact: I always get excited about my birthday and I'll be making noise about it but never actually do anything. So there isn't going to be a party but I'll celebrate like I always do............. Stay in bed all day.

Here goes my wishlist.
1. A job
2. Monnneeeeeyyyy
3.Acoustic guitar
4. Shoes......lots and lots of them
5. Bags
6. Dresses
7. Pants Asin shokoto oh..
8. Lipsticks
9. Love.
10. Fooooooddd. (Y'all know i love food)

Disclaimer: This post is specifically for those that love me and those people who always say "I didn't know what to get you" don't try me this year oh..... coz I have told you now ehen...

With Love Gg!!


  1. Ok dear I can help with love and food buh I would also be emailing my list cos my birthday is in November too


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