DIY: Small Bag: Big statement

HI Guys,

As some of you  guys know I just recently moved back home and in the process of getting my room set up I found this

A little history on this bag:
1. It came in the shoe and bag set (if you are Nigerian u know what that means)
2. it belonged to my step aunt who gave it to my mum
3. I dnt think my mum liked it much but she rocked it
4. I found it among the junks to be thrown out
5. I couldn’t keep my hands off it

So I did a little DIY

What I used:
The bag
Imitate leather or realleather if you have

Step one:
Dusted the beg veeeeerrrrryyyy well.

Step two:
Detach the old strap

Step three:
Fold the leather twice to make a square shape

Step four:
Cut a semi circle; open it up to make a proper circle

Step five:
Do the fan fold (one in, one out)

Tack it and secure it with a thread or leather and glue

Choose a spot u want it to stay on the bag and glue it on.

Put the pearls on a string of your choice.
Attach the string to the old strap hook

LAST STEP: Rock it

With Love Gg!!


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